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CAMathories® World Sports Mathematics Series

CAMathories® has published a series of story books that teach mathematics in an enjoyable and engaging way using sports popular across the world.  The World Sports Mathematics Series offers a research-informed approach to traditional mathematics classroom pedagogy and at the same time supports diversity and inclusion for one world.

How to Use Our Books

The CAMathories® World Sports Mathematics Series of books are written in such a way as if our writers are “telling” the stories to the child, or children, in person. Enjoy reading the stories together. Chat together about the plot and the characters, and encourage the children to talk about their mathematical ideas. Touch and count objects and characters in the books. Once you have read a story with your children a few times, when you think they are ready, encourage them to retell the story on their own. That is how your children can learn and enjoy learning mathematics and language. You can find more learning tips here.

There are teaching plans, assessments and games that accompany the books. Please email for more details.

Hope you enjoy our World Sports Mathematics Series and Happy CAMathoring!

Author's Talk

Dr. Kit reads "Kino Goes Fencing" to the Pre-K graders in a school in Summit, New Jersey, USA.

On 10/25/2024, Dr. Kit went to a school in Summit to read our first World Sports Mathematics Series book, "Kino Goes Fencing" to a group of Pre-K students. The students enjoyed the math games inside the story and answered all questions correctly!  They also learnt more about the sport of fencing and counted the scores with Kino for her first game with her new friend Mya, whom she met during their first fencing lesson!

Author's Talk

Dr. Kit reads "Kino Goes Fencing" to children at ‘The Book House’ in Millburn, New Jersey, USA.

Dr Kit and young readers had a fun time exploring the story of Kino’s first fencing lesson. 

Our young readers counted the scores of the game with Dr. Kit while Kino and Mya fenced!

Dr. Kit also left two autographed copies of 'Kino Goes Fencing' at ‘The Book House’ in Millburn, New Jersey.

If you know any bookstore which wants to host an author event with Dr Kit for ‘Kino Goes Fencing’ either in-person or online, please email

New Title

Kino Goes Fencing

Kino Goes Fencing. CAMathories™ World Sports Mathematics Series. Reviewers: Jackie Dubrovich, Lori Mirabel, Ed.D, Frank Mustilli. Illustrator: Qian Mi. Author: Kit Cheung, Ph.D. (Cantab)

Have you ever learned a new sport? Kino, a 4-year-old girl, is taking her first fencing lesson. She feels a bit nervous. Luckily, she meets another young girl called Mya, who helps Kino to become less anxious and realize how much fun it is to learn to fence. While reading this story, you can help Kino and Mya to practice their counting, and most excitingly, to count their scores in their first-ever fencing game!

Kino Goes Fencing features world-class fencers and fencing coaches

from around the world.

"We wear special clothes when we fence to keep us from getting hurt," said Coach Frank. "Fencers call these special clothes their "gear". We wear different gear for each piece of equipment. Here are all the pieces of gear we need to wear when we are using Foil." "That's a lot of gear!" said Kino. Mya saw Kino counting, and said, "You will know all the names of this gear by the time you get on to the strip." "What's a strip?" Kino asked. "That's the name of the place where we fence!" Mya replied. "Baseballers play baseball on a baseball field, fencers play their games on a fencing strip."
Kino said, "Wow, you really know a lot about fencing!" "I told you I always watch my brother fence and that is how I learned, replied Mya. "Don't worry, Kino! I will show you what I know." Kino felt a huge sense of relief. She knew that she had made a good friend at her first fencing lesson. She felt so much happier. Coach Frank introduced the club's other coaches. "Coach Alejandre teaches Épée, Coach Abdul teaches Saber, and Coach Brian teaches Foil. I'm the head coach so | teach all three! Mya and Kino, can you join Coach Brian and change into the Foil gear, please?" Kino was so glad that she was going to learn Foil with Mya!
Step. Step. Step. Lunge! Another point to Mya! How many points all together does Mya have now? Coach Brian said, " Kino and Mya, remember, a fencer needs five points to win a bout!" How many more points will Mya need to win the bout?

Also available in Cantonese version

Kino Goes Fencing Cantonese edition cover. CAMathories™ World Sports Mathematics Series. Reviewers: Jackie Dubrovich, Lori Mirabel, Ed.D, Frank Mustilli. Illustrator: Qian Mi. Author: Kit Cheung, Ph.D. (Cantab)

Click on the Cantonese book cover above to buy the Cantonese edition

*If you choose and agree, you can click on 'Translation' at the top of the page for a translator to read this webpage in a different language (links to Google Translate).

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