David Whitebread, Ph.D. - Publications
In Press or Forthcoming (as of 2021)
Whitebread, D. & O’Sullivan, L. (in press). Pretend play in young children and the emergence of creativity. In D. Preiss. D. Cosmelli & J.C. Kaufman (eds.), Mind wandering and creativity: Cognitive processes and creative output. Elsevier.
Whitebread, D. & Neale, D. (in press). Metacognition in early child development. Translational Issues in Psychological Science,
Whitebread, D. (in press). Influences on the emergence and development of cognitive and emotional regulation in early childhood. In P. Metallidou & D. Moraitou (Eds.), Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research across the Life Span - A Tribute to Anastasia Efklides. Dordrecht: Springer.
Whitebread, D. (in press). Self-regulation Processes in Early Childhood. In Benson, J.B. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of infant and early childhood development, 2nd Ed. Elsevier.
Marulis, L., Baker, S., & Whitebread, D. (2020). Integrating metacognition and executive function to enhance young children’s perception of and agency in their learning. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 50(2), 46-54.
Whitebread, D. & Zachariou, A. (2019). Musical play, self-regulation and children’s development. Early Childhood Journal of the Greek Society for Primary Education, 18, 65-77.
Saraç, S., Karakelle, S. & Whitebread, D. (2019). Children’s Independent Learning Development Checklist 3-5 (CHILD 3-5): Validity and Reliability Study for the Turkish Form. Elementary Education Online, 18 (3), 1093-1106.
Neale, D. & Whitebread, D. (2019). Maternal scaffolding during play with 12- to 24-month-old infants: stability over time and relations with emerging effortful control. Metacognition & Learning, 14, 265-289.
Whitebread, D. (2019). Overview; the contribution of research in developmental psychology to early childhood education. In D. Whitebread, V. Grau, K. Kumpulainen, M. McClelland, N. Perry & D. Pino-Pasternak (Eds.). Sage Handbook of Developmental Psychology & Early Childhood Education. London: Sage.
Whitebread, D. & Adams, J. (2019). How children learn: Implications for early childhood education. In D. Whitebread, V. Grau, K. Kumpulainen, M. McClelland, N. Perry & D. Pino-Pasternak (Eds.). Sage Handbook of Developmental Psychology & Early Childhood Education. London: Sage.
Whitebread., D., Basilio1, M., O’Sullivan, L. & Zachariou, A. (2019). The importance of play, oral language and self-regulation in children’s development and learning; implications for quality in early childhood education. In D. Whitebread, V. Grau, K. Kumpulainen, M. McClelland, N. Perry & D. Pino-Pasternak (Eds.). Sage Handbook of Developmental Psychology & Early Childhood Education. London: Sage.
Whitebread, D. with Grau, V., Kumpulainen, K., McClelland, M, Perry, N. & Pino-Pasternak, D. (Eds.) (2019) Sage Handbook of Developmental Psychology & Early Childhood Education. London: Sage.
Whitebread, D. & Conkbayir, M. (2019). Assessing self-regulation: A missed opportunity. Upstart blog available at: https://www.upstart.scot/assessing-self-regulation-missed-opportunity/
Zhang, H. & Whitebread, D. (2019). Examining Chinese kindergarten children’s psychological needs satisfaction in problem solving: A Self-Determination Theory perspective. Instructional Science, 47(4), 373-398.
Zhang, H. & Whitebread, D. (2019). Identifying characteristics of parental autonomy support and control in parent-child interactions. Early Child Development and Care,
Zachariou, A. & Whitebread, D. (2019). Developmental differences in young children's self-regulation. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology,62, 282-293.
Al-Hroub, A. & Whitebread, D. (2019). Dynamic Assessment for Identification of Twice-Exceptional Learners Exhibiting Mathematical Giftedness and Specific Learning Disabilities. Roeper Review, 41, 129–142.
Marulis, L., Baker, S., & Whitebread, D. (2019). Integrating metacognition and executive function to enhance young children’s perception of and agency in their learning. Early Childhood Research Quarterly,
Whitebread, D. (2018). Play: the new Renaissance. International Journal of Play,
Grau, V. & Whitebread, D. (2018). Introduction: Relationships between classroom dialogue and support for metacognitive, self- regulatory development in educational contexts. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 168. In V. Grau & D. Whitebread (Eds.), Relationships between Classroom Dialogue and Support for Metacognitive, Self-Regulatory Development in Educational Contexts. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 162,
Pino-Pasternak, D., Whitebread, D., & Neale, D. (2018). The role of regulatory, social, and dialogic dynamics on young children’s productive collaboration in group problem solving. In V. Grau & D. Whitebread (Eds.), Relationships between Classroom Dialogue and Support for Metacognitive, Self-Regulatory Development in Educational Contexts. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 162,
Torres, P. E., Whitebread, D., & McLellan, R. (2018). The role of teacher regulatory talk instudents’ self-regulation development across cultures. In V. Grau & D. Whitebread (Eds.),Relationships between Classroom Dialogue and Support for Metacognitive, Self-Regulatory Development in Educational Contexts. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 162,
Whitebread, D., Grau, V., & Somerville, M.P. (2018). Commentary: Relationships between classroom dialogue and support for metacognitive, self-regulatory development in educational contexts. In V. Grau & D. Whitebread (Eds.), Relationships between Classroom Dialogue and Support for Metacognitive, Self-Regulatory Development in Educational Contexts. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 162,
Jadue Roa, D., Whitebread, D. & Guzmán, B.G. (2018). Methodological issues in representing children's perspectives in transition research. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 26 (5), 760-779.
Whitebread, D. (2018). Childhood in the 21st Century: have we lost the plot? School House Magazine, Spring/Summer
Whitebread, D. (2018). Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education Masterclass Interview. In Brody, K. (Ed.), Interviews from the SAGE Early Years Masterclass 2018. London: Sage.
Neale, D., Basilio, M. & Whitebread, D. (2018) The Grasping Task: A 12-month predictor of 24-month delay task performance and BRIEF-P Inhibition scores. Infant and Child Development, 27 (4) e2092
Zosh, J.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Hopkins, E.J., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Neale, D., Solis, S.L. & Whitebread, D. (2018) Accessing the Inaccessible: Redefining Play as a Spectrum. Frontiers in Psychol, 9, 1124.
Jarvis, P., & Whitebread, D. (2018). Wrong beginnings: our response to a bold report. Early Years Educator, 19(12), 14-16.
Somerville, M.P. & Whitebread, D. (2018). Emotion regulation and well-being in primary classrooms situated in low socioeconomic communities, British Journal of Educational Psychology, doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12222
Lee, M. K., Baker, S., & Whitebread, D. (2018). Culture‐specific links between maternal executive function, parenting, and preschool children's executive function in South Korea. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(2), 216-235.
Whitebread, D. (2018) Early Learning through Play. Sage Publications. Streaming video available at: http://sk.sagepub.com/video/skpromo/tz4ENG/early-learning-through-play?fromsearch=true
Whitebread, D. (2018). Children's Self-Regulation. Sage Publications. Streaming video available at:
Whitebread, D. (2018). Quality in Early Childhood Education: the contribution of Developmental Psychology. In M. Fleer and B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education Volume I. Dordrecht: Springer.
Sinclaire-Harding, L., Vuillier, L. & Whitebread, D. (2018). Neuroscience and Early Childhood Education. In M. Fleer and B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education Volume I. Dordrecht: Springer.
Bingham, S. & Whitebread, D. (2018). School readiness in Europe: issues and evidence. In M. Fleer and B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education Volume I. Dordrecht: Springer.
Whitebread, D. (2017). Free Play and Children’s Mental Health. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 1, November, 167-9.
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (2017). Developing young children as self-regulated learners. In J. Moyles, J. Georgeson & J. Payler (Eds) Beginning Teaching: Beginning Learning: In Early Years and Primary Education, 5th Ed. London: Open University Press/McGraw Hill.
Whitebread, D., Neale, D., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Solis, S.L., Hopkins, E.J., Hirsh-Pasek, K. & Zosh, J. M. (2017). The role of play in children’s development: a review of the evidence. PEDAL: Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development and Learning & the LEGO Foundation, DK.
Zosh, J. M., Hopkins, E. J., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Neale, D., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Solis, S. L., & Whitebread, D. (2017). Learning through play: a review of the evidence. The LEGO Foundation, DK.
Liu, C., Solis, S.L., Jensen, H., Hopkins, E.J., Neale, D., Zosh, J.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K. & Whitebread, D. (2017) Neuroscientific evidence on the connection between characteristics of playful experiences and learning. The LEGO Foundation, DK.
Zachariou , A. & Whitebread, D. (2017). A New Context Affording for Regulation: The Case of Musical Play. International Journal of Educational Psychology , 6 (3), 212-249.
Whitebread, D. (2017). Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education: A guide for students and practitioners, Korean Translation Edition.: Seoul: Hakjisa Publishers, Inc..
Spektor-Levy, O., Basilio, M., Zachariou, A., & Whitebread, D. (2017). Young Children's Spontaneous Manifestation of Self-Regulation and Metacognition during Constructional Play Tasks. Teachers College Record, 119(13), n13.
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (2017). Developing young children as self-regulated learners. In J. Moyles, J. Georgeson & J. Payler (Eds) Beginning Teaching: Beginning Learning: In Early Years and Primary Education, 5th Ed. London: Open University Press/McGraw Hill
Whitebread, D. (2017). The play’s the thing: Active pedagogies to improve learning. Brookings Institute blog, available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/education-plus-development/2017/05/24/the-plays-the-thing-active-pedagogies-to-improve-learning/
Whitebread, D. (2017). Prioritizing Play. In EarthEd: Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet (pp.107-116). Worldwatch Institute/Island Press: Washington, DC.
Zhang, H. & Whitebread, D. (2017). Linking parental scaffolding with self-regulated learning in Chinese kindergarten children. Learning and Instruction, 49, 121-30.
Whitebread, D. & Basilio, M. (2017). Playful Writing: Building stories together to inspire young writers: a teacher handbook. PEDAL: Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development and Learning & the LEGO Foundation.
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (2016). Ensuring developmentally appropriate practice in the early years of primary schooling. In P. Gronn & J. Biddulph (Eds.). A University’s Challenge: Cambridge’s Primary School for the Nation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Renshaw-Vuillier, L., Bryce, D., Szucs, D. & Whitebread, D. (2016). The Maturation of Interference Suppression and Response Inhibition: ERP Analysis of a Cued Go/Nogo Task. PLOS
Whitebread, D. (Ed.) (2016). Self-regulation. Early Education Journal, 80 (Autumn).
Whitebread, D. (2016). Self-regulation in early childhood education. In D. Whitebread (Ed.) Self-regulation. Early Education Journal, 80 (Autumn), 3-5.
Marulis, L., Palincsar, A., Whitebread, D. & Berhenke, A. (2016). Assessing Metacognitive Knowledge in 3-5 year olds: The Development of a Metacognitive Knowledge Interview (McKI). Metacognition & Learning, DOI 10.1007/s11409-016-9157-7
Almeqdad, Q., Al-Hamouri, F., Zghoul, R.A., Al-Rousan, A. & Whitebread, D. (2016)
Cross Cultural Indicators of Independent Learning in Young Children: A Jordanian Case. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 19, 1–11.
Sangster Jokić, C.A. & Whitebread, D. (2016). Self-Regulatory Skill Among Children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder: An Exploratory Study. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, DOI: 10.3109/01942638.2015.1135844
Whitebread, D. (2015). Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education: A guide for students and practitioners, Chinese Simplified Edition. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House.
Whitebread, D. (2015). Childhood in crisis: the loss of play. Cambridge Primary Review Trust blog, available at: http://cprtrust.org.uk/cprt-blog/crisis-in-childhood/#comment-7049
Whitebread, D., Kuvalja, M. & O’Connor, A. (2015). Quality in Early Childhood Education – an International Review and Guide for Policy Makers. Report for the World Innovation Summit for Education. Dohar: WISE.
Zachariou, A. & Whitebread, D. (2015). Musical play and self-regulation: does musical play allow for the emergence of self-regulatory behaviours? International Journal of Play, 4(2), 116-135.
Coltman, P. & Whitebread, D. (2015). ESD, enterprise, and the development of social entrepreneurs in the early years. Early Education Journal, 76, 12-15.
Bryce, D., Whitebread, D. & Szucs, D. (2015). The relationships among executive functions, metacognitive skills and educational achievement in 5 and 7 year-old children, Metacognition & Learning, 10(2), 181-198.
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (Eds.) (2015) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, 4th Ed., Routledge.
Whitebread, D. with Dawkins, R., Bingham, S., Rhodes, H. & Hemming, K. (2015) ‘Our classroom is like a little cosy house!’: Organising the early years classroom to encourage self-regulated learning. In Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (Eds.) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, 4th ed., Routledge.
Coltman, P., Whitebread, D. & Greenwood, J. (2015). 'My mum would pay anything for chocolate cake!': Organising the Whole Curriculum: Enterprise Projects in the Early Years. In Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (Eds.) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, 4th ed., Routledge.
Whitebread, D. Jameson, H. & Basilio, M. (2015). Play beyond the Foundation Stage: play, self-regulation and narrative skills. In J. Moyles (Ed.) The Excellence of Play, 4th Ed. (pp. 84-93). Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Whitebread, D., Pino-Pasternak, D. & Coltman, P. (2015). Making Learning Visible: the role of language in the development of metacognition and self-regulation in young children. In S. Robson & S. Quinn (Eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Young Children's Thinking and Understanding (pp. 199-214). London: Routledge.
Whitebread, D. (2014). The importance of self-regulation for learning from birth. In H. Moylett (Ed.). Characteristics of Effective Learning: helping young children become learners for life (pp. 15-35). Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Whitebread, D. & Bingham, S. (2014). School readiness, starting age, cohorts and transitions in the early years. In J. Moyles, J. Payler & J. Georgeson (Eds.). Early Years Foundations: Critical Issues, 2nd Ed. (pp. 179-190). Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Whitebread, D. (2014). The Power of Physical Play (DVD & Notes). Siren Films: Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Sangster-Jokic, C. & Whitebread, D. (2014). Examining Change in Metacognitive Knowledge and Metacognitive Control During Motor Learning: What Can be Learned by Combining Methodological Approaches? Psychological Topics, 23(1), 53-76.
Whitebread, D. & Bingham, S. (2014). Too Much Too Soon: the campaign to protect childhood. In T. Wrigley (Ed.). Enemies of Promise. Changing Schools.
Kuvalja, M., Verma, M. & Whitebread, D. (2014). Patterns of co-occurring non-verbal behaviour and self-directed speech: A comparison of three methodological approaches. Metacognition & Learning: Special Issue: Understanding the Sequential and Temporal Characteristics of Self-regulated Learning, 9, 2, 87-111.
Chiu, M., Yeh, H. & Whitebread, D. (2014). Student constructs of mathematical problems: Problem types, achievement and gender. Cogent Education, 1,1, DOI: 10.1080/ 2331186X. 2014. 961252
Whitebread, D. & Sinclair-Harding, L. (2014). Neuroscience and the infant brain. Nursery World, 20 October – 2 November, 21-24.
Pino-Pasternak, D., Basilio, M. & Whitebread, D. (2014). Interventions and classroom contexts that promote self-regulated learning: Two intervention studies in United Kingdom primary classrooms. Psykhe, 23(2), 1-13.
Whitebread, D. (2013). Foreword. In J. Howard & K. McInnes, The Essence of Play. London: Routledge
Sangster-Jokic, C., Polatajko, H. & Whitebread, D. (2013). Self-regulation as a mediator in motor learning: The effect of the Cognitive Orientation to Occupational Performance approach on children with DCD. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 29, 103-126.
Whitebread, D. & Bingham, S. (2013). Habit Formation and Learning in Young Children. London: Money Advice Service.
Whitebread, D. & Basilio, M. (2013). Play, culture and creativity. In D. Gauntlett & B. Stjerne-Thomsen (Eds.) Cultures of Creativity. Billund, Denmark: The LEGO Foundation.
Whitebread, D., Mercer, N., Howe, C. & Tolmie, A. (Eds.) (2013). Self-regulation and dialogue in primary classrooms. British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series II: Psychological Aspects of Education – Current Trends, No. 10. Leicester: BPS.
Whitebread, D. (2013) Self-regulation in young children: its characteristics and the role of communication and language in its early development. In D. Whitebread, N. Mercer, C. Howe & A. Tolmie (Eds.). Self-regulation and dialogue in primary classrooms. British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series II: Psychological Aspects of Education – Current Trends, No. 10. (pp. 25-44). Leicester: BPS.
Coltman, P., Warwick, J., Wilmott, J., Pino Pasternak, D. & Whitebread, D. (2013) Teachers co-constructing pedagogical practices to support children’s exploratory talk and self-regulation: the Children Articulating Thinking (ChAT) project. In D. Whitebread, N. Mercer, C. Howe & A. Tolmie (Eds.). Self-regulation and dialogue in primary classrooms. British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series II: Psychological Aspects of Education – Current Trends, No. 10. (pp. 127-146). Leicester: BPS.
Whitebread, D. (2013). Too much, too young. New Scientist, No. 2943, 16 November, 28-29.
Kuvalja, M., Basilio, M., Verma, M. & Whitebread, D. (2013). Self-directed language and private gestures in the early emergence of self-regulation: current research issues. Hellenic Journal of Psychology: Special Issue: Perspectives on Self-Regulation Research in Education, 10, 168-192.
Whitebread, D. & Grau Cardenas, V. (2012) Self-regulated learning and conceptual development in young children: the development of biological understanding. In A. Zohar & Y.J. Dori (eds). Metacognition in Science Education: Trends in current research (pp 101-132). New York: Springer.
Whitebread, D. (2012). Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education. London: Sage.
Jadue-Roa, D.S. & Whitebread, D. (2012). Young children’s experiences through transition between Kindergarten and First Grade in Chile and its relation with their developing learning agency. Educational & Child Psychology, 29(1), 32-46.
Whitebread, D. & Basilio, M. (2012) The emergence and early development of self-regulation in young children. Profesorado: Journal of Curriculum and Teacher Education, Monograph issue:
Learn to learn. Teaching and evaluation of self-regulated learning, 16(1),15-34.
Grau, V. & Whitebread, D. (2012). Self and social regulation of learning during collaborative activities in the classroom: The interplay of individual and group cognition. Learning and Instruction, 22(6), 401-12
Whitebread, D. & O’Sullivan, L. (2012). Preschool children’s social pretend play: supporting the development of metacommunication, metacognition and self-regulation. International Journal of Play, 1 (2), 197-213.
Bryce, D. & Whitebread, D. (2012) The development of metacognitive skills: evidence from observational analysis of young children’s behaviour during problem-solving. Metacognition and Learning, 7 (3), 197-217.
Chiu, M. & Whitebread, D. (2011) Taiwanese teachers’ implementation of a new ‘constructivist mathematics curriculum’: How cognitive and affective issues are addressed. International Journal of Educational Development, 31, 196-206.
Büttner, G., Perels, F. & Whitebread, D. (2011). Beurteilung selbstregulativer Fertigkeiten von Vorschulkindern durch Erzieherinnen [Assessment of self-regulatory skills of preschool children by kindergarten teachers]. In M. Hasselhorn & W. Schneider (Eds.), Fruühprognose schulischer Kompetenzen [The prognosis of early academic competences] (Tests and trends. New series, Vol. 9, pp. 188-202). Goettingen: Hogrefe.
Sangster-Jokic, C. & Whitebread, D. (2011) The role of self-regulatory and metacognitive competence in the motor performance difficulties of children with developmental coordination disorder: A theoretical and empirical review. Educational Psychology Review, 23, 75-98
Bryce, D., Szűcs, D., Soltész, F. & Whitebread, D. (2011). The development of inhibitory control: An averaged and single-trial Lateralized Readiness Potential study, NeuroImage, Special issue: Educational Neuroscience, 57 (3), 671 - 685.
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (2011) Developing young children as self-regulated learners. In Moyles, J., Georgeson, J. & Payler, J. (Eds) Beginning Teaching: Beginning Learning: In Early Years and Primary Education. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Whitebread, D. & Bingham, S. (2011). School readiness: a critical review of perspectives and evidence. TACTYC Occasional Paper No. 2: TACTYC.
Whitebread, D. & Bingham, S. (2011). School readiness Part 1: Starting Points. Nursery World, 18-31 October, 17-20.
Whitebread, D. & Bingham, S. (2011). School readiness Part 2: Perfect Match? Nursery World, 15-28 November, 15-18.
Whitebread, D. & Bingham, S. (2011) School readiness Part 3: A better way? Nursery World, 13 December – 9 January 2012, 16-19.
Gauntlett, D., Ackermann, E., Whitebread, D., Wolbers, T., Wekstrom, C. & Thomsen, B.S (2011) The Future of Learning. Billund, Denmark: The LEGO Group.
Whitebread, D., (2010) Play, metacognition & self-regulation. In P. Broadhead, J. Howard & E. Wood (eds) Play and Learning in the EarlyYears London: Sage.
Whitebread. D. & Jameson, H. (2010) Play beyond the Foundation Stage: storytelling, creative writing and self-regulation in able 6-7 year olds. In Moyles, J. (ed) The Excellence of Play, 3rd Ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (2010) Aspects of pedagogy supporting metacognition and mathematical learning in young children; evidence from an observational study, ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 42 (2), 163-178.
Pino Pasternak, D., Whitebread, D. & Tolmie, A. (2010) A multi-dimensional analysis of parent-child interactions during academic tasks and their impact on children's self-regulated learning, Cognition and Instruction, 28 (3), 219-272.
Whitebread, D. & Pino Pasternak, D. (2010) Metacognition, Self-Regulation & Meta-Knowing. In Littleton, K., Wood, C. & Kleine Staarman, J. (eds) International Handbook of Psychology in Education. Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Whitebread, D., Almeqdad, Q., Bryce, D., Demetriou, D., Grau, V. & Sangster, C. (2010) Metacognition in young children: current methodological and theoretical developments. In A. Efklides & P. Misailidi (eds) Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research. New York: Springer.
Pino Pasternak, D. & Whitebread, D. (2010) The role of parenting in children's self-regulated learning. Educational Research Review, 5, 220-242.
Bingham, S. and Whitebread, D. (2009) Teachers supporting children's self-regulation in conflict situations within an early years setting. In Papatheodorou T. and Moyles J. (eds) Learning Together in the Early Years: Exploring Relational Pedagogy. London: Routledge.
Whitebread, D., Coltman, P., Pino Pasternak, D., Sangster, C., Grau, V., Bingham, S., Almeqdad, Q. & Demetriou, D. (2009) The development of two observational tools for assessing metacognition and self-regulated learning in young children, Metacognition and Learning, 4(1), 63-85
Whitebread, D., Coltman, P., Jameson, H. & Lander, R. (2009) Play, cognition and self-regulation: what exactly are children learning when they learn through play? Educational and Child Psychology, 26, 2, 40-52.
Szűcs, D., Soltész, F., Bryce, D. & Whitebread, D. (2009) Real-time tracking of motor response activation and response competition in a Stroop task in young children: A lateralized readiness potential study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 21, 11, 2195–2206.
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (eds) (2008) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, 3rd ed., Routledge
Whitebread, D. with Dawkins, R., Bingham, S., Aguda, A. & Hemming, K. (2008) Organising the early years classroom to encourage independent learning. In Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (eds) (2008) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, 3rd ed., Routledge
Al-Hroub, A. & Whitebread, D. (2008) Teacher nomination of ‘mathematically gifted children with learning difficulties’ at three state schools in Jordan, British Journal of Special Education, 35, 152-164
Bingham, S. & Whitebread, D. (2008) From theory into practice: teachers supporting children’s self-regulation in conflict situations within an early years setting. In S. O’Brien, P. Cassidy & H. Schonfeld (eds) Vision into Practice: making quality a reality in the lives of young children. Dublin: Centre for Early Childhood Development & Education.
Payler, J. & Whitebread, D. (2007) Equity in England? Summer-born children deserve equal opportunities, Early Years, 27, 189-93
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (2007) Developing young children as self-regulating learners. In J. Moyles (ed) Beginning Teaching: Beginning Learning in Primary Education, 3rd ed., Maidenhead: Open University Press
Cooper, P. & Whitebread, D. (2007) The Effectiveness of Nurture Groups: evidence from a National Research Study, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 12, 3, 171-190
Whitebread, D. (2007) Developing Independence in Learning. In J. Moyles (Ed.) Early Years Foundations: Meeting the Challenge. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Whitebread, D., Bingham, S., Grau, V., Pino Pasternak, D. & Sangster, C. (2007) Development of Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning in Young Children: the role of collaborative and peer-assisted learning, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 6, 433-55
Whitebread, D., Pino Pasternak, D. , Sangster, C. & Coltman, P. (2007) A metacognició nemverbális indikátorai kisyermekkorban (Non-verbal indicators of metacognition in young children), Iskolakultúra, 11-12, 82-91
Hayes, M. & Whitebread, D. (eds) (2006) ICT in the Early Years, Open University Press
Whitebread, D. (2006) Creativity, problem-solving and playful uses of technology: games & simulations in the early years classroom in Hayes, M. & Whitebread, D. (eds) ICT in the Early Years, Open University Press
Pino Pasternak, D. & Whitebread, D. (2006) Developing frameworks and tools for the analysis of parent-child interactions and their impact on children’s self-regulation, Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, Special Issue No.2 on Inclusive and Cognitive Education, Supplement Part 2, 335-356
Whitebread, D., Anderson, H., Coltman, P., Page, C. , Pino Pasternak, D. & Mehta, S (2005) Developing Independent Learning in the Early Years, Education 3-13, 33, 40-50
Whitebread, D. & Jameson, H. (2005) Play, Storytelling and Creative Writing. In Moyles, J. (ed) The Excellence of Play, 2nd Ed, Open University Press
Whitebread, D. (2005) A response to Goswami: Neuroscience and education: the brain in the classroom, The Psychology of Education Review, 29,2, 17-18.
Whitebread, D. & Chiu, M. (2004) Patterns of Children's Emotional Responses to Mathematical Problem-Solving, Proceedings of the British Society for Research in Learning Mathematics, 23, 3, 61-66
Humphreys, K., Whitebread, D., Miller, S. & Linklater, H. (2004) Do Tractors Eat Grass? Is Mind Mapping suitable for Infants?, Teaching Thinking, 13, 46-53
Whitebread, D. & Chiu, M. (2004) Patterns of Children's Emotional Responses to Mathematical Problem-Solving in McNamara, O. & Barwell, R. (eds) Research in Mathematics, Vol. 6, British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
Whitebread, D.(ed)(2003) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, 2nd Ed, London: RoutledgeFalmer
Early Years Special Interest Group (including Whitebread, D.) (2003) Early Years Research: Pedagogy, Curriculum and Adult Roles, Training and Professionalism, BERA Publications
Whitebread, D. & Leeder, L (2003) Sequencing and differentiation in young children's drawings, Early Years, 23, 2, 155-176
Siraj-Blatchford, J. & Whitebread, D. (2003) Supporting Information & Communication Technology in the Early Years. Buckingham: Open University Press (subsequently translated into Arabic and published in 2005 by Arab Nile Group)
Cooper, P. & Whitebread, D. (2003) The Effectiveness of Nurture Groups. End of Award Report, Nuffield Foundation
Whitebread, D. (ed) (2000) The Psychology of Teaching & Learning in the Primary School, London: RoutledgeFalmer (subsequently translated into Chinese and published in China in 2001 by Hung Yeh Publishing)
Whitebread, D. (2000) Organising activities to help children remember and understand in Whitebread, D.(ed) The Psychology of Teaching & Learning in the Primary School, London: RoutledgeFalmer
Whitebread, D. (2000) Teaching children to think, reason, solve problems and be creative in Whitebread, D.(ed) The Psychology of Teaching & Learning in the Primary School, London: RoutledgeFalmer
Whitebread, D. (2000) Teaching numeracy: helping children to become confident mathematicians in Whitebread, D.(ed) The Psychology of Teaching & Learning in the Primary School, London: RoutledgeFalmer
Hendy, L. & Whitebread D. (2000) Interpretations of Independent Learning in the Early Years, International Journal of Early Years Education, 8, 3, 243-52
Whitebread, D. & Neilson, K. (2000) The contribution of visual search strategies to the development of pedestrian skills by 4-11 year old children, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70, 4, 539-57.
Whitebread, D., Urquhart, I. & Moyles, J. (1999) Highly Able Children in the Early Years. Report & Proceedings of the Education & Employment Committee, Third Report: Highly Able Children, Vol II: Minutes of Evidence & Appendices, London: HMSO
Whitebread, D. & Neilson, K. (1999) Learning to cross the road: cognition in action. The Psychologist, 12, 8, 403-5.
Whitebread, D. (1999) Interactions between children's metacognitive processes, working memory, choice of strategies and performance during problem-solving, European Journal of Psychology of Education, 14, 4, 489-507
Newstead, K., Anghileri, J. & Whitebread, D. (1998) Motivation for Developing more Flexible Meanings and Strategies for Division in Primary School. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the South African Assoc. for Research in Mathematics & Science Education, Univ of South Africa, Pretoria, SA.
Whitebread, D. & Neilson, K. (1998) Cognitive and metacognitive processes underlying the development of children's pedestrian skills, Road Safety Research Report No. 6, Dept of the Environment, Transport & the Regions
Whitebread, D. (1997) Developing children's problem-solving: the educational uses of adventure games, in A. McFarlane (ed) Information Technology and Authentic Learning: Realising the Potential of Computers in the Primary Classroom, London: Routledge
Coltman, P., Greenwood, J & Whitebread, D. (1996) Project File: Clothes on Show, Child Education, 73, 6, 29-36
Whitebread, D.(1996) The Development of Children’s Strategies on an Inductive Reasoning Task, British J. of Educational Psychology, 66, 1, 1-21
Whitebread, D. & Coltman, P. (1996) The Great Chesterford Experience: Developing the Economic Understandings of Young Children. The Economic Understanding of Young Children: Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the Centre for Research into Children's Economic and Social Understanding . University of N. London Press
Whitebread, D.(ed)(1996) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, London: Routledge
Whitebread, D. (1996) Introduction: young children learning and early years teaching, in D. Whitebread (ed) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, London: Routledge
Coltman, P. & Whitebread, D. (1996) 'My mum would pay anything for chocolate cake1' Organising the whole curriculum: enterprise projects in the early years, in D. Whitebread (ed) Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, London: Routledge
Whitebread, D. & Neilson, K. (1996) Metacognitive and cognitive style elements of children's pedestrian skills: some research findings and implications for road safety training. Proceedings of the Road Safety in Europe conference, Birmingham, UK, Part 3. Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
Coltman, P., Cunningham, P., Whitebread, D. & Williams, S.(1995) Enterprise Education at Key Stage 1, Early Years, 15, 2, 39-45
Whitebread, D., Coltman, P. & Davison, S.(1995) Project File: Infant Newshounds, Child Education, 72, 1, 29-36
Whitebread D. & Coltman P.(1995) Economic and Industrial Understanding at KS1: Small is Beautiful. Economic and Industrial Understanding of Young Children: Proceedings of the 4th Research Conference of the Primary Schools and Industry Centre. University of N. London Press
Whitebread, D.(1995) Emergent Mathematics or How to Help Young Children become Confident Mathematicians, in J. Anghileri (ed) Children’s Thinking in Primary Mathematics: Perspectives on Children’s Learning, London: Cassell
Whitebread, D., Coltman, P. & Bryant, P.(1994) Project File: A Class Museum , Child Education, 71, 12, 27-34
Whitebread, D.(1993) Hold the Front Page! Enterprise at Key Stage 1: Newspapers, ERTEC Newsletter, 9th Issue, p. 4
Whitebread, D., Coltman, P. & Farmery, J.(1993) Project File: A Puppet Theatre, Child Education, 70, 6, 31-8
Whitebread, D.(1993) Hold the Front Page! Enterprise at Key Stage 1: Newspapers, ERTEC Newsletter, 9th Issue, p. 4
Whitebread, D., Coltman, P. & Farmery, J.(1993) Project File: A Puppet Theatre, Child Education, 70, 6, 31-8
Coltman, P. & Whitebread, D.(1992) The Little Bakery: an Infant Class develops EIU, Economic Awareness, 5, 1, 3-9
Whitebread, D.(1992) Pulling the Strings? Puppet Theatre Companies at Key Stage 1, ERTEC Newsletter, 6th Issue, p. 2
Book Reviews
Waters, H.S. & Schneider, W. (eds) (2010) Metacognition, Strategy Use and Instruction. London: Guilford Press, Educational Review, 63, 3, 380-382.
Robson, S. (2006) Developing Thinking and Understanding in Young Children, Routledge, Early Years, 28, 1, 106-8
Collins, J. & Cook, D. (eds) (2001) Understanding Learning: influences and outcomes, Open University Press/Paul Chapman, Educational Review, 2001, 53, 3, 341-2
Porter, L. (1999) Gifted Young Children: a guide for teachers and parents, Open University Press., Early Years, 2000, 20, 2, 81-2
Child, D. (1994) Psychology & the Teacher, 5th Ed., Cassell, Camb J. of Education 1994, 24,3, 494-5
Conference Papers
2018 (August) 8th EARLI Metacognition SIG conference, Zurich, Switzerland:
Contributor to Workshop: Honing Protocols and Practices for Studying Self-Regulation in Classrooms (with Pablo Torres)
2017 (August) 17th Biennial EARLI Conference, Tampere, Finland:
Paper: Building stories together: How can a playful pedagogy support self-regulation in primary schools? (with Marisol Basilio)
Contributor to symposium on Co- and Self-Regulation in Early Childhood – Assessment, Development and Influencing Factors: Paper: Maternal scaffolding with infants: stability and relations with cognitive and inhibitory development (with Dave Neale)
Chair and Contributor to symposium on Exploring the Classroom as a Context for Student Regulation: Paper: Self-regulation development as culturally afforded by teachers’ socio-motivational talk (with Pablo Torres)
Discussant for symposium on The Role of Play in Advancing Child Learning and Development
2017 (June) 27th ICCP World Play Conference, Vilnius: Keynote lecture: Play & Learning: Cause or Effect?
2017 (April) SRCD Biannual Conference, Austin, USA: Paper: The Development of a Parental Playfulness Scale (with Marisol Basilio & Ciara Laverty)
2016 (August) 7th EARLI Metacognition SIG conference, Nijmegen, Holland:
Contributor to symposium on Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation in Early Childhood – Development, Assessment and Supporting Factors. Paper: Early Signs of Self-Regulation: Mother-Infant Interaction and the Development of Effortful (& Inhibitory) Control (with Dave Neale)
Chair and Contributor to symposium on Emotion regulation and self-regulation in young children: Papers: Examining children’s emotion regulation through video observations in primary classrooms (with Matthew Somerville); Profiling emotion regulation: establishing patterns of regulation in classroom behavioural problems (with Lysandra Sinclaire‐Harding)
Discussant for symposium on Current views on the relationship between metacognition and executive functions: Developmental, experimental and neuropsychological perspective
2016 (May) EARLI Learning in Early Childhood SIG Conference, Porto, Portugal: Paper: Measuring playfulness in early childhood: a systematic review and behavioural coding of parent-child play (with Marisol Basilio & Ciara Laverty)
2016 (Jan) Central European University Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest: Poster: Measuring executive function and inhibitory control in children aged 12-24 months: Validity and performance data for two new object-based tasks (with Dave Neale & Marisol Basilio)
2015 (November) World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), Doha, Qatar: Panel based on report: Quality in Early Childhood Education: an International Review and Guide for Policy Makers
2015 (August) 16th Biennial EARLI Conference, Limassol, Cyprus:
Contributor to symposium on Collaborative regulation and dialogue in primary classrooms: integrating analytical perspectives. Papers: Characteristics of playful collaborative groups that support metacognitive abilities, creativity and narrative skills (with Marisol Basilio, Pablo Torres & Mee Kyoung Kim); Interpersonal regulation of learning in primary classrooms: The role of dialogue and group positioning (with Deborah Pino-Pasternak & Dave Neale)
Contributor to symposium on Assessing and promoting the development of self -regulation in early childhood. Paper: Measuring effective parental scaffolding strategies and their relationship with cognitive self-regulation in children 12 to 24 months (with Dave Neale & Marisol Basilio)
Contributor to symposium on multiple perspectives on young children's cognitive and emotional responses to situated scientific activities. Paper: Impact of a dialogic and metacognitive intervention on young children’s understanding of floating and sinking (with Deborah Pino-Pasternak, Penny Coltman & Christine Howe)
Contributor to symposium on innovative measures of metacognition, executive functions and self-regulation in young children. Paper: New tasks assessing executive function and self-regulation in infants: Validity and performance (with Dave Neale & Marisol Basilio)
Discussant for symposium on innovative measures of metacognition, executive functions and self-regulation in young children
2015 (March) SRCD Biannual conference, Philadephia, USA: Poster: Using guided pretence and constructional play to support children’s narrative and writing skills in primary schools (with Marisol Basilio)
2014 (June) 6th Biennial Conference of the International Froebel Society, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK: Keynote Address: Play, metacognition and self-regulation
2014 (July) EARLI JURE Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus:
Keynote talk: The early emergence of metacognition and self-regulation in young children
Workshop: Assessing executive function, metacognition and self-regulation in young children: observational and behavioural methods
Paper: Investigating children’s self-regulatory abilities and development during musical play: An overview and a close-up to differences according to type of musical play and children’s age (with Antonia Zachariou)
2014 (July) 7th International Toy Research Association World Congress, Braga, Portugal: papers:
3D Thinking: Primary school children representing ideas and narratives within constructional and pretence play (with Marisol Basilio)
Thinking with your hands: How can toys for infants and toddlers foster early learning and communication? (with Marisol Basilio)
2014 (July) Implementing Implementation Science Conference, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Paper on The case for involving teachers as co-researchers: reflections from two intervention studies in primary school classrooms (with Marisol Basilio)
2014 (Sept) 6th EARLI Metacognition SIG conference, Istanbul, Turkey:
Organiser and chair for symposium on The function of private speech and its role in the development of self-regulation in children
Contributor to symposium on Metacognition, executive functioning and self-regulation: measurement tools from infancy to adolescence. Paper: Exploring the origins of executive functioning: New object-based tasks and observational tools for evaluating EF and SR in children from 12 to 24 months (with Dave Neale & Marisol Basilio)
Contributor to symposium on Understanding the Sequential and Temporal Characteristics of Self-regulated Learning. Paper: Patterns of co-occurring non-verbal behaviour and self-directed speech; a comparison of three methodological approaches (with Martina Kuvalja & Mohini Verma)
Contributor to symposium on Interventions to promote self-regulation in pre-school and primary school children. Paper: The ChAT (Children Articulating Thinking) project: results of an intervention to support metacognitive abilities and in young children (with Deborah Pino-Pasternak & Loren Marulis)
Contributor to symposium on Parent-child interaction and the development of self-regulation. Paper: How can parents support cognitive self-regulation in infancy? A microgenetic analysis of parental scaffolding in problem solving activities (with Marisol Basilio & Cintia Rodríguez)
Paper: The role of constructional and socio-dramatic play in the development of metacognition and narrative skills in primary-aged children (with Marisol Basilio)
2014 (Nov) 22nd Annual Conference of the Croatian Psychological Association, Rovinj, Croatia: Invited speech: Self-regulation in young children: its origins and significance for development
2013 (June) Canadian Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Invited talks:
Making learning visible: the role of language in the development of metacognition and self-regulation in young children
The importance of Play in the early development of Self-Regulation
2013 (August) 15th EARLI Conference, Munich, Germany:
Contributor to symposium on Self-regulation in early learning: Developmental significance and support in pre-school and primary education. Paper: Developmental trajectories of gestures and speech as self-regulatory tools in problem solving (with Marisol Basilio and Mohini Verma)
Contributor to symposium on Methodological Issues in the Analysis of Interpersonal Regulation in Learning. Paper: Self and social regulation in the classroom: Methodological issues in relation to studying primary school children working in collaborative groups (with Valeska Grau & Paulina Freire, Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Contributor to symposium on Exploring Associations between Interpersonal Regulation in Group Activity and Learning Outcomes. Paper: Relationships between social forms of regulation, dialogue quality, and learning outcomes in Year 1 children in the UK (with Deborah Pino Pasternak, Murdoch University, Australia)
Discussant for symposium on Self-regulated Learning in Kindergartners and Primary School Children.
2013 (Dec) Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual International Conference, Adelaide, Australia: Video analysis of Self-Regulated Learning in social and naturalistic contexts: The case of preschool and early primary school children (with Deborah Pino Pasternak, Murdoch University, Australia)
2012 (April) Annual Meeting, AERA, Vancouver, Canada: contributor to symposium Innovative Methods for Studying Children’s Self-Efficacy, Self-regulation and Self-determination in and out of School Settings: papers:
Using observational tools to understand the development of self-regulation in young children: moving beyond and before language (with Marisol Basilio)
Investigating self-regulation in young children through the analysis of self-directed speech (with Martina Kuvalja)
2012 (September) 5th EARLI Metacognition SIG conference, Milan, Italy:
Organiser, chair & contributor to workshop: Observational methods to assess metacognition in young children (with Mohini Verma and Martina Kuvalja)
Organiser, chair and contributor to symposium on The Role of Gestures and Private Speech in Young Children’s Early Metacognition and Self-Regulation. Paper: How pre-verbal children use gestures as tools for self-regulation: evidence from 14 to 18 months olds (with Marisol Basilio and Cintia Rodriguez)
Contributor to symposium on Metacognitive Activity in Groups in Collaborative Learning. Paper: Exploring relationships between social forms of regulation during groupwork, dialogue quality and conceptual understanding: The case of Year 1 students in the UK (with Deborah Pino Pasternak)
Contributor to symposium on Metacognitive Skillfulness: Trajectory from Toddlers to Young Adolescents. Paper: Exploring self-regulation in toddlers’ classrooms: Are we ready to let them take learning into their own hands? (with Marisol Basilio and Cintia Rodriguez)
Organiser and chair of symposium on Play, Metacognition and Self-regulation in Young Children.
Discussant for symposium on Math and Metacognition among Young Children: do interventions really work?
2011 (March) VIth International Congress of Psychology & Education, University of Valladolid, Spain: Children articulating thinking: ‘Exploratory talk’ and the development of young children’s metacognitive and self-regulatory abilities (with Deborah Pino Pasternak and Neil Mercer)
2011 (August) 14th EARLI Conference, Exeter, UK:
contributor to symposium on Analysing important components in self-regulated learning. Paper: Identifying and measuring self-regulation in young children: the development and validation of the CHILD observational instrument (with Deborah Pino Pasternak, Donna Bryce & Laura Vuillier, University of Cambridge; Gerhard Buettner & Josephin Simchen, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany; Zemira Mevarech , Adina Shamir & Tamar Levi Reich, Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel)
contributor to symposium on Social and individual aspects of self-regulation in collaborative group learning activities. Paper: Young Children’s regulation during groupwork: links with dialogue and understanding (with Deborah Pino Pasternak)
discussant for symposium on Self-regulated learning in school
2010 (May) EARLI Advanced Study Colloquium 2010, Faculty of Education University of Cambridge: Motivation to Learn in Social Contexts: Integrating Individual & Social Perspectives: hosted and presented paper: Introducing methodological issues in the Children Articulating Thinking (ChAT) research project (with Deborah Pino Pasternak)
2010 (May) 4th EARLI Metacognition SIG conference, University of Munster, Germany:
keynote lecture: The Self-Regulating Brain: the Emergence & Development of Metacognition in Young Children
contributor to symposium on The Emergence of Metacognitive Skills during Development: Pioneering Research Questions and Innovative Technologies (with Deborah Pino Pasternak). Paper: Metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive regulation and emotional/motivational regulation in 3-5 year olds
organizer and chair of symposium on Exploring relationships between metacognition, self-regulated learning, cognitive development and academic attainment in young children
organizer of symposium on Observational studies of self-regulation in young children in classroom contexts
2010 (July) The European Association of High Ability (ECHA) Conference: Université Paris Descartes, Paris: Dynamic Assessment for the Identification of Dual Exceptional Learners (with Anies al-Hroub)
2010 (August) 1st EARLI Learning and Development in Early Childhood SIG Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland: papers:
Independent learning, metacognition & self-regulation: evidence from a naturalistic study in British early years educational setting
Self-regulation and Transition in Early Childhood (with Daniela Jadue Roa)
The expression and regulation of emotion by young children in classrooms; a developmental perspective on appraisal theory (with Sue Bingham)
2009 (August) 13th EARLI Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands:
organiser and chair of symposium on Exploring interventions intended to support metacognition, self-regulation and performance
contributor to invited symposium on Dilemmas and decisions in researching metacognition: A critique of methodologies. Paper: Identifying and measuring metacognition in young children: methodological and theoretical issues
chair and contributor to panel discussion on Methodological advances in research on the social regulation of learning and motivation. Paper:Video analysis of self-regulated learning (SRL) in young children in social and naturalistic contexts (with Deborah Pino Pasternak)
contributor to symposium on Understanding and conceptualising playful learning in early years educational settings. Paper: Play and self-regulation in young children
2009 (September) 19th Conference on Developmental Psychology of the German Asociation of Psychology: University of Hildesheim, Germany: Erfassung selbst-regulatorischer Fertigkeiten im Vorschulalter - erste Ergebnisse einer Beobachtungsstudie [Acquisition of self-regulatory skills in pre-school age - first results of an observational study] (with Gerhard Buettner & Franziska Perels)
2008 (March) Annual Meeting, AERA, New York, USA: contributor to EARLI invited symposium: How Best to Assess Metacognition – Or Why Asking is Just Not Enough?
Paper: The assessment of metacognition and self-regulation in young children: the development of observational tools.
2008 (April) Play & Education 3-8 Research Colloquium, Leeds Met University: Play, Cognition and Self-Regulation: what exactly are children learning when they learn through play?
2008 (May) 3rd EARLI Metacognition SIG conference, University of Ioannina, Greece:
organizer, chair & contributor for invited symposium on Individual Differences in Metacognition in Young Children. Paper: The Measurement of Metacognition and Self-Regulation in Young Children
contributor to symposium on Metacognition in Social Interaction. Paper: Metacognition and Collaborative Groupwork in Young Children (with Valeska Grau)
paper: Theory of Mind amd Metacognitive Knowing: have we been investigating similar constructs withour realizing it? (with Demetra Demetriou)
paper: Investigating the Relationship between Metacognitive Skills and Executive Functions (with Donna Bryce)
2008 (July) 18th Advanced Course, Archives of Jean Piaget, University of Geneva: A multi-method approach to investigating inhibitory control and metacognititve skills: Development and inter-relationships (with Donna Bryce, Dénes Szűcs & Fruzsina Soltész)
2008 (July) 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin: The Assessment of Metacognition and Self-regulation in Young Children: the development of observational tools
2008 (August) 11th International Conference on Motivation (EARLI SIG 8), University of Turku, Finland: Children’s Motivational Orientations: a factor mediating the quality of parent-child interactions and children’s cognitive self-regulation during study-related activities (with Deborah Pino Pasternak)
2008 (Sept) British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh: Investigating metacognitive skill and executive function: An event-related potential (ERP) study (with Donna Bryce, Denes Szucs & Fruzsina Soltesz)
2007 (Jan) Centre for Early Childhood Development & Education International Conference, Dublin, Ireland: Supporting Self-Regulation in Conflict Situations within Early Years Settings (with Sue Bingham)
2007 (April) CamERA, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Teaching Thinking & the Development of Metacognitive Abilities in Young Children (with Nikoleta Damaskina, Kate Humphreys, Holly Linklater & Sam Proudman)
2007 (April) Early Childhood Conference: Reclaiming Relational Pedagogy in Early Childhood: Learning from International Experience, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford: Supporting Self-Regulation in Conflict Situations within Early Years Settings (with Sue Bingham)
2007 (July) 8th Annual PECERA (Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) Conference, Hong Kong: Metacognition and self-regulation in 3-5 year olds: evidence from a naturalistic study in British early years educational settings
2007 (Aug) 13th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Germany: Young Children’s Self-Regulation (with Eleanora Papaleontiou & Niki Thoma)
2007 (Aug) 12th EARLI Conference, Budapest, Hungary:
organiser & chair of symposium on Frameworks for the Analysis of Self-regulation Interventions;
organizer & contributor for symposium on Methods of Assessing Metacognition in Young Children. Paper: Non-verbal indicators of metacognition in 3-5 year old children (with Deborah Pino Pasternak and Claire Sangster);
contributor to symposium on the Teaching of Self-Regulation. Paper: Towards a Pedagogy for Teaching Thinking and Developing Self-regulated Learning in Young Children (with Penny Coltman).
2006 (July) EARLI 2nd Metacognition SIG Conference, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Keynote address: Metacognition in Young Children: Implications for Theory and Research
2006 (Sept) ECER Conference, Geneva: Self-regulated learning and knowledge acquisition in Primary school: the acquisition of biological concepts (with Valeska Grau)
2006 (November) BPS Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes: Teaching Thinking & the Development of Metacognitive Abilities in Young Children ( with Nikoleta Damaskinou, Kate Humphreys, Holly Linklater & Sam Proudman)
2005 (March) 5th Warwick International Early Years Conference, Warwick University: Metacognition in 3-5 year olds: evidence from a naturalistic study in early years educational settings
2005 (July) 10th International Conference, International Association for Cognitive Education & Psychology, University of Durham: Talk of a Number: Promoting Self-Regulated Use of Mathematical Metalanguage in the Early Years ( with Penny Coltman)
2005 (Aug) 11th EARLI Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus: organiser and chair of symposium on Metacognition in Young Children. Paper: Metacognition in young children: evidence from a naturalistic study of 3-5 year olds (with Penny Coltman, Holly Anderson, Sanjana Mehta & Deborah Pino Pasternak)
2005 (October) International Conference: Inclusive and Cognitive Learning Enhancement in Schools, Charles University, Prague: Parental Involvement and the Development of Metacognition in Children who Experience Difficulties in Learning at School (with Deborah Pino Pasternak)
2004 (Jan) University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Research conference (CAMEra), Independent Learning in the Early Years (symposium with Holly Anderson, Penny Coltman & Charlotte Page)
2004 (July) EARLI Metacognition SIG, Amsterdam: Metacognition in 3-5 year olds: evidence from a naturalistic study in British early years educational settings. (with Holly Anderson, Penny Coltman, Charlotte Page, Deborah Pino Pasternak & Sanjana Mehta)
2004 (July) ICET World Assembly, Hong Kong: Encouraging reflection and empowering educators: promoting confidence, risk taking and the articulation of practice of workers in Early Years settings through participation in a collaborative research project. (with Holly Anderson, Penny Coltman, Charlotte Page)
2004 (Sept) British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Manchester: The development of young children's visual literacy: evidence from their drawings (with Kate Noble and Morag Styles)
2004 (Sept) British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Manchester: Gifted & talented education symposium (with Ferial Mansour & Anies al-Hroub)
2004 (Sept) International Conference on Philosophy for Children, Oxford: Philosophy for Children and moral development in the Indian context (with Sanjana Mehta)
2004 (Nov) TACTYC Annual Conference, Birmingham: Metacognition in 3-5 year olds: evidence from a naturalistic study in early years educational settings.
2003 (June) 33rd Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago, USA: The impact of play on the oral and written storytelling of able 5-7 year olds (with Helen Jameson)
2003 (July) 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland: Assessment of moral reasoning in middle childhood (with Sanjana Mehta)
2003 (Aug) 10th EARLI Conference Padova, Italy: Developing Independent Learning in children aged 3-5 (with Holly Anderson, Penny Coltman & Charlotte Page)
2003 (Nov) British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) Conference, Patterns of children's emotional responses to mathematical problem-solving and their relationship to attainment. (with Mei-shiu Chiu)
2002 (Sept) Invited symposium: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Exeter: The myths of John T. Bruer: the implications for Early Years education of current research in cognitive neuroscience.
2001 (Sept) Education & Developmental Sections Joint Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, University College, Worcester: The role of nurture in children's social & academic functioning: a study of Nurture Groups (with Prof. Paul Cooper)
2001 (Sept) British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds: The nature and impact of Nurture Groups (with Prof. Paul Cooper)
1999 (April) 3rd Warwick International Early Years Conference, Warwick University: Interpretations of independent learning in the Early Years (with Lesley Hendy)
1999 (November) Education Section Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, University of Greenwich, London: The Educated Brain: The Implications for Education of Current Research in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neural Darwinism (with John Geake & Paul Cooper)
1998 (Jan) 6th Annual Meeting of the South African Assoc. for Research in Mathematics & Science Education, Univ of South Africa, Pretoria, SA: Motivation for Developing more Flexible Meanings and Strategies for Division in Primary School (with Karen Newstead & Julia Anghileri)
1997 (April) British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Herriot-Watt University. Edinburgh: The development of children's pedestrian skills: a problem-solving analysis (with Kris Neilson)
1997 (August) 7th EARLI conference, Athens, Greece: Interactions between children's metacognitive processes, working memory, choice of strategies and performance on two problem-solving tasks.
1996 (Feb) British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM), Sheffield Hallam University: Language and Strategies in Children's Solution of Division Problems (with Karen Newstead & Julia Anghileri)
1996 (July) International Conference for Mathematics Education, Seville, Spain: Investigating Strategies for Solving Division Problems and the Effect of Teaching (with Karen Newstead & Julia Anghileri)
1996 (Sept) Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI) Road Safety in Europe conference, Birmingham: Metacognitive and cognitive style elements of children's pedestrian skills: some research findings and implications for road safety training (with Kris Neilson)
1995 (Sept) 6th EARLI conference, Nijmejen, Holland:‘You’ve Got to Work Harder’: exploring children’s understandings of the link between the language and practice of learning: a comparative metacognitive study (with Jean Rudduck, Ruth Kershner & Rivka Blaumann (Bar Ilan Univ., Israel))
1995 (Sept) Primary Schools & Industry Centre Conference, London: The Great Chesterford Experience: Developing the Economic Understandings of Young Children (with Penny Coltman, Jayne Greenwood, Alistair Ross, Merryn Hutchings & Becky Francis)
1994 (Sept) Primary Schools & Industry Centre Conference, London: EIU at KS1: Small is Beautiful (with Penny Coltman)
1993 (Sept) 5th European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference, Aix-en-Provence, France: An Analysis of Relations between Cognitive Factors, Strategies and Performance on a Reasoning Task by Young Children
Invited Talks
2019 (October) Revolutionising Education through Play & Voice conference, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland:
Keynote lecture: Supporting Children to become Powerful and Creative Learners: the role of Play
Presentation: Play, Learning & Narrative Skills (PLaNS), Building Children’s Writing Skills through Play
2019 (May) First International True Play Conference, Anji, China; Keynote: Humans need Play: The contribution of Anji Play (and some concerns)
2019 (April) CreateCatt First International Developmental Play Conference, Manila, Phillipines: Keynote talk: The importance of play for children’s development: a review of the evidence & Workshop: Supporting children to benefit from 5 types of play
2019 (February) Pedagogical Institute Play Seminar, Nicosia, Cyprus: Keynote talk: How does play-based learning help children to become powerful learners and able citizens? & Workshop: Play & Self-regulation in Young Children
2018 (Dec) UCPS Teaching Assistants Course: Self-regulation in Young Children
2018 (June) National Children’s Bureau, Jersey: Play in the Early Years
2018 (May) Normal? Festival of the Brain, Folkestone Quarterhouse: Free Play and Children’s Mental Health
2018 (April) International Festival of Learning, Suffolk College: The importance of high quality ECE and How to Do it
2017 (Nov) Institute of Education, University of Reading: Play & Self-regulation: key drivers of development?
2017 (Oct) Scotland’s 1st Play Convention, Edinburgh: Keynote talk: The contribution of play to child development: closing the attainment gap
2017 (Sept) Come and Play at the Garden Conference: Botanic Gardens, Cambridge: Why Children need Outdoor, Risky, Adventurous Play
2017 (June) Nursery World Conference, Play & Learning: A Global Perspective, London: Learning from Abroad: Starting Points
2017 (March) ENABLE Conference 2017, London: Self-regulation in young children: its origins and significance for development
2017 (Feb) RECEC Conference, Trinity College, Dublin: A Vision for Early Years Education in the 21st Century: what the research is telling us
2017 (Feb) North Somerset Early Years Conference, Bristol: Play, Learning & Development in Early Childhood Education
2017 (Jan) BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Learning Through Play: the BRAC PlayLabs initiative
2016 (Nov) Play Scotland Conference, Edinburgh: Play in children’s learning and development: the evidence
2016 (Oct) WISE Early Childhood Education Event, Doha, Qatar: A Vision for Early Years Education in the 21st Century: what the research is telling us
2016 (Sept) Alumni Festival, University of Cambridge: ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players’: the value of play
2016 (Sept) Leisure Industries Week Exhibition, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham: The Value of Play for Young Children's Development
2016 (Sept) Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland: A Vision for Early Years Education in the 21st Century: what the research is telling us
2016 (July) University of Cambridge Interdisciplinary Summer Programme, Cambridge ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players’: the value of play
2016 (May) Cambridge 800 Series Lecture, Hay Literary Festival, Hay-on Wye: All work and No Play …? (with Sara Baker & Jenny Gibson)
2016 (April) LEGO in Education Conference, Croyden, London: Playful Learning with LEGO
2016 (April) Cambridge Global Perspectives, Jesus College Conference, Cambridge: A Pedagogy for Effective Early Learning
2016 (March) Centro de Investigacion Avanzada en Educacion (ciae), Santiago, Chile: Transitions in Education: Play, Agency Self-Regulation Seminar: School Readiness: Who needs to be ready, the child or the school?
2016 (Feb) Newman University, Birmingham; Baseline Assessment Seminar: Which abilities of 4 year olds predict later academic achievement? Developmental evidence and implications for early assessment
2016 (Feb) OPAL Conference, Charlton Manor Primary School: Researching the role of play in promoting children’s learning and development
2016 (Jan) Self-regulation Conference, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany: Metacognition and self-regulation in young children: Where we are now
2015 (November) Embassy of Finland and Finnish Institute, London: Playful Learning in Britain
2015 (October) Playful Writing Day, UCPS: in-service course for primary teachers, Cambs CC.
2015 (October) Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki: Play, metacognition and self-regulation
2015 (June) Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland: Play & Learning in Young Children: implications for school starting age and educational provision in the Early Years
2015 (May) International Baccaluareate Early Years Professional Development Event, Hong Kong: Play in the Primary Years Programme
2015 (April) The Lego Foundation IDEA Conference, Billund, Denmark: How do we measure playfulness?
2015 (March) Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile: Play, metacognition and self-regulation
2015 (Jan) University of Lucerne, Switzerland: Too much, too young: Should schooling start at age 7?
2014 (Sept) Early Years Education Conference, Birmingham, UK: Keynote speech: Supporting young children’s cognitive and emotional self-regulation
2014 (Sept) Alumni Festival, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Helping children to become powerful learners
2014 (April) The Lego Foundation IDEA Conference, Billund, Denmark: How do children become self-regulating and why it is important?
2014 (April) Psychology Dept. Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA: Making learning visible: the role of language in the development of metacognition and self-regulation in young children
2014 (May) Norfolk Educational Psychology Service, Oakland Hotel, Norwich: The development of self-regulation in young children
2014 (May) Cambridgeshire Early Years Network, Huntingdon Children’s Centre: WHAT do young children learn through play, HOW do they do it, and WHY is it important?
2014 (May) Kaleidoscope Graduate Student Conference, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Play, learning and out-of-school educational contexts
2013 (January) Wroxham Primary School, Herts: School readiness: perspectives and evidence
2013 (March) Northumberland Early Years conference, Newcastle: Supporting children to become self-regulated thinkers and learners
2013 (April) Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile: Play & learning workshop
2013 (April) Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile: Making learning visible: the role of language in the development of metacognition and self-regulation in young children
2013 (May) Money Advice Service, London: Habit Formation and Learning in Young Children
2013 (July) Self-Regulated Learning Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada: The role of social interaction, language and play in the development of self-regulation in young children
2013 (September) Play Scotland Conference, Hilton Grosvenor, Edinburgh: The Importance of Play: a Psychological Perspective.
2013 (September) Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years Conference, Ricoh Arena, Coventry: What does ‘school readiness’ really mean?
2013 (November) Cambridgeshire Headteachers Conference, Marriot Hotel, Huntingdon: Language, Social Interaction and Developing Young Children as Self-Regulated Learners.
2013 (November) Society of Heads Conference, Oxford, UK: The role of social interaction, language and play in the development of self-regulation in young children
2013 (November) Early Excellence: Promoting Outstanding Leadership Seminar, EE Centre, Huddersfield: From Informal to Formal Learning: The Case for Delaying the Transition
2013 (November) School of Education, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia: Play and the Development of Self-Regulation in Early Childhood
2012 (March) Cambridgeshire Early Years Forum: Language, Self-regulation and Learning in Young Children
2012 (April) Toys Industries for Europe seminar, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium: The importance of play: a report on the value of children’s play with a series of policy recommendations
2012 (October) TACTYC Seminar, House of Commons, Westminster: School Readiness: a critical review of perspectives and evidence
2011 (March) Department of Psychology, Autonoma Universidad de Madrid, Spain: Metacognition & Self-regulation in Young Children
2011 (June) British Journal of Educational Psychology, Psychological Aspects of Education Current Trends Conference, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: The characteristics, identification and assessment of self-regulation in young children
2011 (November) TACTYC annual conference, York: Readiness for School: a critical review of the debate and evidence
2011 (November) Early Education annual policy conference, Wellcome Collection, London: Characteristics of effective early learning: Supporting children to become self-regulated thinkers and learners
2010 (March) Institut de Psychologie et Education, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland: The emergence of Metacognition and Self-regulation in Young Children
2009 (Feb) Department of Psychology and Human Development Research Seminar, Institute of Education, London: Metacognition in young children: theoretical and educational issues
2009 (Nov) PECERA Hong Kong annual conference: Keynote address: Developing Metacognition and Self-regulation in Young Children
2008 (June) Institut fur Psychologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany: Developing self-regulation in young learners
2008 (July) BPS Division of Educational Psychology, Eastern Region Conference, Cambridge University Faculty of Education: Developing Young Children as Self-Regulating Learners: current research and implications for practice
2007 (April) PACE Spring Conference, Newport & Swansea, Wales: Developing Independent Learners in Early Childhood
2007 (Dec) School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter: The development of metacognitive abilities in young children
2006 (March) Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile: Metacognition & Self-regulation in Early Years Education
2006 (March) Faculty of Education & Human Sciences, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile: Self-regulation & Metacognition in Young Children
2006 (March) Faculty of Education & Human Sciences, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile: Cognitive Neuroscience & Early Years Education
2006 (March) Faculty of Education & Human Sciences, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile: Metacognition & Self-regulation in Early Years Education
2005 (May) Cambridge Colloquia in Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Talk of a Number: Promoting the self-regulated use of Mathematical Metalanguage in the early years (with Penny Coltman)
2005 (July) Association of Independent Headteachers Eastern Region Dame Johanne Bradbury School, Saffron Walden: Self Regulated Learning in the Foundation Stage
2004 (July) Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling, National Taiwan Normal University, Tapei, Taiwan: Metacognition in young children: a study of 3-5 year olds in naturalistic settings & Independent learning in the early years: evidence from a naturalistic study in British early years educational settings.
2004 (July) Department of Education, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan: Play, Self-Regulation and Creativity in Young Children
2004 (Oct) Research Seminar, University of Leicester, School of Education: Developing Young Children as Self-regulatory Learners
2004 (Nov) Research Seminar, School of Education, Roehampton University: Self-Regulation in Young Children's Learning
2003 (Oct) Cambridge Colloquia in Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Children's Emotional Responses to Mathematical Problem-Solving: the Role of Teaching Methods (with Mei-shiu Chiu)
2002 (Feb) Invited keynote address: 6th ITTE Research Conference, Moller Centre, Cambridge: Young Children's Learning and ICT: a view from developmental psychology.
2000 (June) Chris Ollerenshaw Early Years Conference, Bath Spa University College: Play, the Brain and Children as Learners in the Information Age
2000 (Oct) Early Years SIG, British Educational Research Association, London Institute of Education: The Educated Brain: The Implications for Early Years Education of Current Research in Cognitive Neuroscience (with Prof John Geake, Oxford Brookes University & Prof Paul Cooper, University of Leicester)
2000 (Oct) Cornwall Foundation Stage Conference, Falmouth Hotel): Play, the Brain and Children as Learners in the Information Age
2000 (Nov) Kent LEA Headteachers Foundation Stage Conference 1, The Friary, Aylesford: Can schools be effective learning environments for young children? (also 2001 (May) Kent LEA Headteachers Foundation Stage Conference 2, Marriott Hotel, Maidstone).
1998 (March) Learning, Quality & the Information Age, conference at Homerton College, Cambridge: Developing young children's problem solving through adventure games.
1996 (May) Dept of Transport Child Development and Road Safety Research Seminar, Warwick University: Metacognitive and cognitive style elements of children's pedestrian skills.