Our Story
The story behind CAMathories® is the realization of the difficulties of a mother (one of our founders) teaching her toddler mathematics. Her toddler loved to listen to folktales, yet she was not interested in learning math. Our co-founder asked, “Can a child enjoy literacy and mathematics at the same time? What can attract a child’s attention to love learning mathematics?” With these questions raised, a small group of researchers, lecturers & a professor from the University of Cambridge co-founded CAMathories Company to solve this problem.
CAMathories® takes folktales from different parts of the world to teach young children fundamental mathematics principles, incorporating literacy through the power of folk storytelling. It engages young children’s emotional and cognitive senses, giving them confidence and ensuring that they feel comfortable and engaged as they learn through a meaningful context (story) (Whitebread 1995, 2020)*. We help children to build the foundation for early reasoning and analytical skills while nurturing and promoting to our next generation an understanding of different cultures, and mutual respect for all peoples around the world enhancing “diversity, inclusion, and belonging to one world” in a gentle, civilized, and age-appropriate way. Ultimately, we wish to see and help build a better and more peaceful world.
* References:
Whitebread, D. (1995) Emergent Mathematics or How to Help Young Children become Confident Mathematicians, in J. Anghileri (Ed.), Children’s Thinking in Primary Mathematics: Perspectives on Children’s Learning, London: Cassell.
Whitebread, D. (2020), click here
Further References:
Donaldson, M. (1978) Children’s Minds. Lindon: Fontana.
Istomina, Z. M. (1975). The development of voluntary memory in preschool-age children. Soviet Psychology, 13(4), 5-64.