Ms Coral: Jewelry Art & Math Class - Mandarin
Welcome to the Jewelry Design and Math Class! In this unique class, weʼll combine the beauty of jewelry creation with the precision of mathematical concepts. Youʼll learn to design and craft stunning pieces of jewelry while also exploring key math principles essential to the art of jewelry-making.
See the event details for schedule
Online classes
About the class
A1. Jewelry Design/Making & Math Class in Mandarin (Online)
Parent-&-Me 首飾設計同數學廣東話親子班 (線上) Age: 5+歲
Welcome to the Jewelry Design and Mathematics Class! In this unique class, weʼll combine the beauty of jewelry creation with the precision of mathematical concepts. Youʼll learn how to design and craft stunning pieces of jewelry while also exploring key math principles that are essential to the art of jewelry-making.
Through hands-on projects, weʼll dive into geometry, symmetry, proportions, and measurements, all of which are vital in crafting intricate designs. Whether itʼs a sequence to create a perfect bracelet or using different shapes to design a pair of earrings, math will be your artistic tool.
By the end of the class, you and your child will not only have created beautiful, personalized jewelry but will also have a deeper appreciation for how math shapes the world of design. Whether youʼre a jewelry enthusiast or someone looking to strengthen their math skills, this class will offer a creative and practical approach to both!
About the teacher:
Meet Ms. Coral (Law), your teacher for this exciting jewelry-making journey! With almost 20 years of experience in the world of jewelry design, Ms. Coral is known for blending Eastern and Western elements in her designs to create one-of-a-kind pieces that showcase both beauty and precision. Her approach to teaching emphasizes hands-on learning and encouraging students to explore their creativity while gaining a solid understanding of the materials, tools, and techniques involved.
In addition to her artistic expertise, Ms. Coral is also passionate about the role of mathematics in jewelry design, and will guide you through concepts like geometry, symmetry, and proportion, all while helping you create stunning works of art.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced designer, Ms. Coral will be there to support and inspire you every step of the way! The lesson will be in Mandarin with some English if necessary.
歡迎嚟到首飾設計同數學班!喺呢個獨特嘅首飾設計班,我哋會將首飾創作嘅美感同數學概念嘅精確性結合埋 一齊,你會學習點樣設計同製作靚靚嘅,美麗奪目嘅珠寶首飾,同時探索首飾製作藝術必要 嘅關鍵數學原理。
透過實際嘅項目,我哋會深入探討幾何、對稱、比例同測量,呢啲都係製作複雜嘅設計嘅重要部分,無論係用 唔同嘅形狀去設計一對耳環,數學都會係你嘅藝術工具。
喺課堂結束嗰陣,你同你嘅小朋友唔單止會創作出靚靚嘅個人化首飾,仲會對數學點樣塑造設計世界有更深入 嘅認識,無論你係首飾愛好者定係想加強自己嘅數學技能嘅人,呢個課堂都會為兩者提 供一個創意同實用嘅方法!
Ms. Coral (Law) 喺呢個首飾製作旅程嘅老師。Ms. Coral 喺首飾設計界有近20年嘅經驗,佢嘅設計中融合東西 方元素而聞名,創造出獨一無二嘅作品,展現出美感同精確度。
除咗佢嘅藝術專長之外,Ms. Coral 亦都對數學喺首飾設計中嘅作有深入嘅認識同充滿熱誠,佢會引導你了解 幾何、對稱同比例等概念,同時幫你創作出美麗奪目嘅藝術品。
無論你係初學者定係有經驗嘅設計師,Ms. Coral 都會喺你嘅每一步都喺度支持同啟發你! 課堂會用廣東話, 有需要嘅話會加啲英文。
Follow CAMathories on FB, IG, and Ms. Coral's jewelry on FB: abcoraldesign;
Twitter: abcoraldesign; IG: coralstig and Pinterest: coralstig
Registered students can enjoy an exclusive 20% off Ms. Coral's jewelry.
我哋嘅學生可以獨家享受 Ms. Coral 啲首飾嘅八折優惠。
Online classes
5-8 years old must have parents accompanying.
8-13 years old, recommended to have parents accompanying.
14+ through adults welcome.
For a small group class, we need at least 2 students. If only one student, please sign up for the 1:1 class.
Teaching schedule
Sat 14:00-15:00, 15:00-16:00, 16:00-17:00, 17:00-18:00, 21:00-22:00, 22:00-23:00 EDT
Sun 10:00-11:00, 11:00-12:00, 15:00-16:00, 16:00-17:00, 17:00-18:00 EDT
Two lessons - student & parent
Per 2 lessons per student (including a parent) 5-8 years old must have parents accompanying. 8-13 years old, recommended to have parents accompanying. 14+ through adults welcome.