Ken Sir: Guitar/Ukulele and Music Theory - Cantonese 1:1
Ken Sir: Guitar/ukulele and music theory (Cantonese/English). ABRSM exams 1st-8th grade lessons available.
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Ken Sir: Guitar/ukulele and music theory (Cantonese/English)
ABRSM exams 1st-8th grade lessons available.
US EDT (US Daylight savings between March 9th and Nov 2nd)
Mondays 7-10pm
Tuesdays 7-10pm
Wednesdays 7-10pm
Saturdays 9am-12pm
Fees for one (1) teacher to one (1) student.
A. The age group of five to nine (5-9) years old
Thirty-five United States Dollar (USD35) for thirty (30) minutes per student with a parent sitting next to the student.
B. The age group of ten to fifteen (10-15) years old
Forty-eight United States Dollar (USD48) for forty-five (45) minutes per student with a parent sitting next to the student.
C. The age group of Sixteen years old to adults
Fifty-eight United States Dollar (USD58) for one (1) hour per student.
About Mr. Ken Lam (Ken Sir)
Mr. Ken (Ken Sir) is a music educator and performer. Ken Sir graduated from Berklee College of Music, a top-notch music academy in the US, and majoring in jazz guitar.
Ken Sir's students range from age 5 to 70; Mr. Ken has rich teaching experiences that can help students find creative and personalized practices best suited for them.
Ken Sir Highly praised by students and parents for their excellent scores in ABRSM, Rockschool, and other music examinations.
Ken Sir is capable of different musical genres, including jazz, pop,and gospel. He teaches electic guitar, ukulele, bass, music theory and songwriting. As a music educator, Mr. Ken aspired to help his fellow students unlock music learning milestones and see them find joy and embrace music in life.
Ken Sir was a Guitarist for the Hong Kong Arts Festival's "Connie Wong: A Wonderful Journey" concert. Guitarist for Tom Chan's musical, Our Journal of Springtime" (我們的青春日誌). He was also the Composer of the theme song for the RTHK CIBS radio show, “What a Friend We Have in Malaysia” (awardee of Top 10 Radio Programs), and the Arranger of the orchestration of the hymn, “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come,” in the Alliance Bible Seminary concert.
關於Mr. Ken Lam (Ken Sir), 結他、烏克麗麗, 低音、音樂理論同寫歌導師
Mr. Ken Lam( Ken Sir )係一位音樂教育家同表演者, Ken Sir 係美國一流音樂學院柏克利音樂學院畢業,主修爵士結他。
Ken Sir 嘅學生年齡由 5 至 70 歲; Ken Sir 有豐富嘅教學經驗,可以幫助學生搵到最適合佢哋嘅創意同個人化教法。
Ken Sir 嘅學生攞到ABRSM 、 Rockschool 同其他音樂考試中嘅優異成績,受到學生同家長嘅高度讚賞。
Ken Sir 嘅音樂造詣擅長於唔同嘅音樂類型,包括爵士樂、流行樂同福音音樂。佢教電結他、烏克麗麗、低音、音樂理論同作曲,作為一個音樂教育家, Ken Sir渴望幫助同學打開音樂學習嘅里程碑,令佢哋喺生活中搵到快樂同擁抱音樂。
Ken Sir 係香港藝術節「Connie Wong:奇妙旅程」音樂會嘅吉他手,Tom Chan 嘅音樂劇《我哋嘅青春日記》嘅吉他手, RTHK CIBS 電台節目《 What a Friend We Have in Malaysia 》嘅主題曲 作曲人, 同聯盟聖經神學院音樂會聖詩 "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" 嘅編曲者。
GuitarUkulele Cantonese Age5-9
Guitar/ukulele Cantonese class Fees for one (1) teacher to one (1) student. The age group of five to nine (5-9) years old Thirty-five United States Dollar (USD35) for thirty (30) minutes per student with a parent sitting next to the student.
Guitar/ukulele Cantonese class Fees for one (1) teacher to one (1) student. The age group of ten to fifteen (10-15) years old Forty-eight United States Dollar (USD48) for forty-five (45) minutes per student with a parent sitting next to the student.
$48.00GuitarUkulele Cantonese Age16+
Guitar/ukulele Cantonese class Fees for one (1) teacher to one (1) student. The age group of Sixteen years old to adults Fifty-eight United States Dollar (USD58) for one (1) hour per student.