Helen Bradford, Ph.D. - Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Writing and writers: the perceptions of young children and their parents
Bradford, H., and Wyse, D. Early Years An International Journal of Research and Development (2013)
Two-year-old and three-year-old children’s writing: the contradictions of children’s and adults’ conceptualisations
Bradford, H., and Wyse, D. Early Years An International Journal of Research and Development (2020)
The well-being of children under three
Bradford, H. Oxford: Routledge, 2nd Ed. (2020)
Appropriate environments for children under three
Bradford, H. Oxford: Routledge (2013)
Planning and observation of children under three
Bradford, H. Oxford: Routledge (2012)
Communication, language and literacy in the early years foundation stage
Bradford, H. London: Routledge (2009)
Teaching English, language and literacy
Wyse, D., Jones, R., Bradford, H., and Wolpert, M.A. London: Routledge, 4th Ed. (2017)
Book Chapters
Bradford, H. In Palaiologou, I. The Early Years Foundation Stage Theory and Practice. London: Sage, 4th Ed. (2021)
Bradford, H. In J. Colwell (Ed.), Reflective teaching in early education. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2nd Ed. (2021)
Bradford, H. In J. Colwell (Ed.), Reflective teaching in early education. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2nd Ed. (2021)
"I can write...on my own!" Writing in the Early Years
Bradford, H. In D. Whitebread and P. Coltman, (Eds.), Teaching and learning in the early years. Routledge, 2nd Ed. (2015)
Play, literacy and language learning
Bradford, H. In J. Moyles (Ed.), The excellence of play. McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 4th Ed. (2014)
Writing in the early years
Bradford, H., and Wyse, D. In Wyse, D., Andrews, R., and Hoffman, J. (Eds), The Routledge international handbook of English, language and literacy teaching. London: Routledge (2010)
Speaking and Listening
Wyse, D., and Bradford, H. In D. Whitebread and P. Coltman, (Eds.), Teaching and learning in the early years. London: Routledge, 3rd Ed. (2008)
Research Reports
Young People Writing: A three-year longitudinal research evaluation of The Ministry of Stories (MoS) : Interim Report for Year 2
Wyse, D., Bradford, H., Burn, A., Wiggins, M., Bryer, T., Potter, J., and Coles, J. Institute of Education, University of London. (2014)
Young People Writing : A three year longitudinal research evaluation of The Ministry of Stories (MoS) : year 1 report.
Wyse, D., Bradford, H., Burn, A., Potter, J., and Richards, C. Institute of Education, University of London. (2013)
Castles, Stained Glass, and Paintings: Enhancing Children's Writing through Partnerships with Museums.
Wyse, D., Bradford, H., and Stephenson, P. Research Report (64). (2009)
Recent Academic Presentations
Co-constructing writing pedagogy with two-and-three-year-old children
Presenting a 40-minute overview of my PhD. UKLA, July 2019
Co-constructing writing pedagogy with two-and-three-year-old children
15-minute presentation as part of a 60-minute symposium with colleagues from UCL Institute of Education. ECEERA, August 2019
Co-constructing writing pedagogy with two-and-three-year-old children
My theoretical basis for my PhD. BERA, September 2016
Taking the WiSH Approach: Writing in the Early Years Setting and Home
Bradford, H. Unpublished paper presented at the 5th IOE – BNU Conference: Learning in a Changing World. November 21st - 22nd 2014